Cost, Obligation

What does it Cost?


Boys pay $175 per year in 2022 and will raise to $280 in dues in 2023. Part of the fee ($135) goes toward BSA registration and insurance. The remainder goes towards the $140-150 the troop spends locally each year per scout for camp site registrations, advancement (patches) and program. Boys can offset their dues by volunteering at troop fundraising events which include popcorn and greenery sales in the fall, and in the past by volunteering at semi-annual triathlons.

Other Costs

Camping Trips: Scouts pay for food and other nominal camping fees for each trip. Boys are separated in the patrols which purchase and prepare their own food. Each member of the patrol splits the "grubmaster fee" (usually $10 -15).

Special camping trips like the Fall and Spring Camporees, Ziplining, etc... require a separate fee to cover the costs of camp rental and activities.