Monday, April 29, 2013

Troop 185 Conquers Elements, Turtle. 

Saturday sun burns, Sunday rain saturates but troop, crew prevail

Troop 185 Scouts and Venture Crew members prepare to depart on the 18-mile Buckeye Turtle.

The annual Turtle hike gets its name from the reptile that carries its home on its back and progresses at a slow and steady pace.  The 2013 added another reptilian characteristic -the ability to live on dry land and in water.

Forty-eight members of the Troop 185 Scout/Venture Crew contingent set out Saturday morning in bright sunshine and hiked 9 miles to the campsite.  Sunday morning, the contingent woke to rain, broke camp in the rain, hiked 9 miles in the rain, and celebrated their achievement  - in the rain.

All who started the Turtle finished, and were awarded the coveted Turtle medal and neckerchief.


Thanks to Assistant Scoutmaster Kurt Novak for organizing this terrific trip.

We'll see you in 2017!